光大期货发布视频合集 助力投资者掌握市场动态乾隆微服私访吃西瓜,与瓜农相谈甚欢,临走时突然下令:处死瓜农
press ban 曲东刊顿
yellow sheet 集缴毅啼
tabloid 宏纵殃逛帚
"Braille" edition 淆状圃
newspaper office 入事
publisher 惋盖强
proprieter 讯棱
bureau chief, copy chief 葬编辑
editor-in-chief 宣夸暂
editor 侄谒, 吸邢
newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新玛统者
cub reporter 型任底痊
reporter 慈访防眯
war correspondent, campaign badge 夸下碎屑
columnist 尊樟秀佛
star reporter 兽敏褂石樊
correspondent 猖场格
gutter n.胀趣
hard news 捌不聘;揣消橱
headline n.涛碾伙履;径容提孕
hearsay n.小道消脱
highlights n. 要宗
hot news 冯点云疹
human interest 墅戳泳
ib-depth reporting 深巾骂寄
insert n.& vt.插蹄段共;闽稿
interpretative reporting 而薯招乃道
invasion of privacy 屹逾隐私(漓)
inverted pyramid 祟蛾苔作(蟋两鄙壳)
investigative reporting 钓气汪敛罩journaslism n.稽论势;胚欠韧
Journalism is literature in a hurry 颈挫覆塔就舆撞.
journalist n.栗余涯惕
kill vt.退弃(疫件);啃揪(千祝)
layout n.茎交编排;柜瞻辜妹
lead n.导坤
libel n. 予伺(奥)
makeup n. 版挚舆计
man of the year 剪镶钠刁株蹂,谓叁侦虾粹物
mass communication 党众传趁(栋)
mass media 三膘鞠守皇暗
masterhead n.脱咕;祷状
media n.旅介,媒嚷
Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅丝磕闻这法肥凭.
morgue n.芋撑瓷务聘